Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Crisp White Suit

I chanced upon a short news feature a couple of nights ago. It was a focused group study on gender issues in the workplace. In summary, the discussion revolved around the number of females in top or executive positions as opposed to the number of males holding management designations. It concluded that there were significantly more executive positions held by men than women in the workplace.

I wondered if this was by chance or by choice. Eliminating the discriminatory aspect of it all, the facts reveal that yes there are more successful men in the corporate world than women, but is it because women are less competent? Or is it because men are deliberately promoted over women? Or is it because women just choose to play several roles rather than solely compete for a seat in the boardroom?

We know of many women who hold esteem roles and positions in the corporate world and they can be this in the workplace and still attend soccer games and PTAs. Some just choose to divert more of their time in the household rather than the workplace. "Inc." names the 500 top companies run by female CEOs. These are emerging and successful companies. Would you believe, 500! If women chose to run the world, they can. And they will rock it too...toddler in tow, in a crisp, white suit that they pressed themselves.

Point is, studies are conducted showing concerns of lack of number of top female positions in the business world and for all we know, it may not even be because women are discriminated on, but perhaps, women choose to concentrate on roles that give them fulfillment.

Don't get me wrong, there are women in my life who are housewives, career women, and both. And in all cases, they are in a place where they are because they are smart enough to choose so.

My mom for instance holds a degree in Fine Arts. Before she got married my grandfather gave her a choice  "Would you like an art studio in Germany or do you want to start a family?" I'm here, so obviously, she chose to have a family. If she had wanted to, she could have said "I want both." But then, she just wanted to be a mommy and a wife.

Tess Villacorta, a retired corporate communications associate director in Ayala Corporation:. My mentor and and former boss. She is a mother of three, a wife to a lawyer and political advisor. She is a career woman at the same time, raised three beautiful children who are all successful in their own careers. She rocked suits too,by the way.

My sense is, no one can stop you from climbing up the corporate ladder, male or female. And neither should anyone say choosing motherhood over a career is lame. Fact is, women are more empowered than you think. They feel, they choose, they do.

They can choose to be accomplished, fulfilled or both. Below is a comparison of my definition of accomplishment versus fulfillment. Women sometimes choose one or another, but a lot choose both too. And they rock it! In a crisp, white suit they themselves pressed.

Friday, March 15, 2013

On Prayers

My husband just sent me a link to an article titled "Argentine Celebrates Slum Pope". The writer, Luis Andres Henao, narrates how the holy man we now call "papa" was one with the poor. Interviews with those who knew him spoke of his meekness and humility. They described his simplicity. Spoke of his dedication to drug rehab and carpentry workshop programs.

Being Filipino, I was rooting for Bishop Chito Tagle, who, two days ago, posted a sincere message on joining the world in praying for the newly elected pope. After reading both messages, I felt a sense of identification to the new pope :) I do not know him from Adam, but there is that glimmer of a warm feeling that's been sparked knowing how well-loved he is...both by his countrymen and his contenders.

If there was a way Pope Francis could include my intentions in his prayers, what would mine be?
1. Complete recovery of Aquiles Gaborro
2. Full recovery Nicholas Guevara
3. Complete healing and recovery of Cora Laman
4. Continued strength and health of Aida Gaborro
5. Long, healthy, and happy lives for Mar & Rose Morales
6. My everyday prayer: Keep my children safe and healthy--all their lives.
7. Bring my husband home back safely to me, everyday, for as long as we live.
8. A 12-passenger van to fit more of our children please?

What would your prayers be?

*Link my husband sent: http://www.theitem.com/news/ap_news/argentines-celebrate-francis-as-their-slum-pope/article_e3e3289b-2202-5382-9f79-d8e7008fa7f7.html

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Reading to First Graders

Today I was assigned to read at Jamie's class as part of the nationwide reading efforts in a week-long celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday.

I read the first-graders one of Jamie's favorite books since she was   a baby "I Love You Mommy".

Part of my presentation was why reading is important to me and how I got started on reading. I told the class a lot about my mom whose story-telling was most inspirational to me. My mom got me started on reading then encouraged me in writing.

I love what I do today because of my mom. I can only hope that I can be half as good as her when it comes to teaching my own children.